VISL 3 – Intro to Advertising
Course Description
This class utilizes Macintosh Computers, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and QuarkXPress. Using these design programs students develop a body of images directed towards graphic design both print and new media. This class is focused on an introduction to advertising with a constant relation to the Elements and Principles of Design. The emphasis is on creativity, exploration and the development of a working knowledge of advertising design and how it is integrated into all forms of print and new media.
Instructional Procedures
Lectures, demonstrations, and instruction.
Critiques and group discussions.
Class direction on projects and individual development.
Class Objectives
The objectives of this course are:
1. To learn the purpose, theories and practices of contemporary advertising.
2. To enhance the student’s visual, written and oral communication skills.
2. To participate in discussion, collaboration and critical dialogue.
3. To develop an enriched understanding of image use and possibilities.
4. To explore the aesthetics, uses and the ethical and legal ramifications of advertising.
Class Requirements
1. Mandatory attendance (Maximum of 2 absences with a doctor’s note) More than two absences or habitual lateness will result in a lowered grade.
2. Homework and tutorials on time and as assigned.
3. A passing grade on the Theoretical Exam.
4. Final portfolio of all assignments in print out and pdf format.
5. All assignments must be designed in pencil first. All designs will be submitted for approval before any work is started. Each project will be finalized in a computer-based layout unless otherwise specified. (Special instructions will be given before each project) Typography will be stressed as well as design of the entire page. Final render will be in color and will be accompanied by all layout and design sketches.
Class Materials
1. Notebook and Sketchbook specifically for this class.
2. Images (Photographs and collage material for scanning), as required.
3. A good ruler, preferably showing “inches”, “Picas and Points”
4. At least 1 Zip Disk, formatted for the Macintosh computer*, (more as needed).
All to be present at every class.
* For those students who own an IBM compatible PC it is required that you purchase Mac formatted Zip disks (corrupt files have been common on Windows formatted disks) and that you could purchase “Mac Opener” or similar software for your PC in order for you to be able to work on class project files at home.
Final grade will be based on class participation, critiques and student progress, evaluation of MidTerm and Final exam, and 5 projects (emphasis on the final project) and evaluation of student’s notebook. More than three absences will result in a lower grade.
Periodicals from Advertising Age, Adweek and other industry sources.
1. Soft Goods Product – Create an advertisement (9” x 12” full bleed) using a soft goods product.
Example of soft goods (items that are consumable); food, cosmetics, office supplies, etc.
2. Hard Goods Product – Create an advertisement (9” x 12” full bleed) using a hard goods product.
Example of hard goods (items that are not consumable); cars, sneakers, appliances, etc.
3. PSA – Public Service Advertisement – Create an advertisement (9” x 12” full bleed) for a non-profit organization.
Example of Non Profit Organizations; MADD, ACLU, VFW, etc.
4. New Product Launch campaign – Group Project (No less than 2 people)
Research a new product from any category – hard goods, soft goods or non-profit, etc.
Create a four to five piece advertising campaign to be accompanied by a marketing research report.
Campaign components
Print Ad –
Create an advertisement (9” x 12” full bleed)
Television or Radio spot –
9 panel storyboard with images, camera instructions and audio comments
(VO or SFX)
Signage –
Billboards, busboards or banners – size is proportionate to actual usage
Collateral –
Leave behinds or business mailers
BRC mailer – BRC, envelope and brochure
CD ROM – Main screen, label, case and brochure w/BRC
Website- Inro, main and 1 subsection
Marketing Research Paper
Create a marketing research report for product.
Product Benefits, Client Profile, Marketplace Demographic, Market Analysis Media and Creative Budget.
Criteria for All Projects
All work must have design approvals before completion.
Always create an original design and sketch your layouts on paper. 3 pencil sketches of all layouts. Finished piece to be created in Photoshop, Illustrator and QuarkXPress.
All source materials photograph, illustrative or real objects should be created by you via digital camera, scanner or illustrated. Any stock photography must be captioned in the advertisement.
All copywriting must be your own. Logo design can be from existing materials.
All Finals must be printed in full color
Detailed instructions will be given before each assignment.
Grading will be based on originality of concept as well as execution of the work.
Advertising links
The list below, links to some advertising websites. If you would like to add to the list please email me